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PALOMA CITY - Today President McGrath has just approved along with the rubber stamp Supreme Paloman the "Stay Home, Stay Safe” executive order. starting on the 12th of April 2020 and ending on 1st of June 2020, all Paloman businesses and operations must temporarily suspend in-person operations that are not necessary to sustain or protect life, and all Paloman must stay in their homes unless they’re a part of that critical infrastructure workforce, engaged in an outdoor activity, or performing tasks necessary to the health and safety of themselves or their family, like going to the hospital or grocery store. This order was sent via the Paloman EAS, making this the first time the system has been used.

The executive order comes after the local State of Michigan government and its governor declaring a "Stay Home, Stay Safe" executive order for Michiganders as the state currently ranks in third place in Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases, especially in Wanye County with surrounds Paloma. The Paloman version of the order makes it illegal to go out without permission and it is a fine-able; however, if it is proven that the person going out was needed due to it being an emergency the fine will be dropped.

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